Can I Cold Smoke Fish And Cheese?

Thinking of trying your hand at cold smoking? Wondering if you can cold smoke both fish and cheese? Well, the answer is a resounding yes! Cold smoking is a popular method of preserving and flavoring food, and in this article, we’ll explore why cold smoking is an excellent technique for both fish and cheese. Whether you’re a seasoned food enthusiast or just starting your culinary journey, you’re in for a treat as we uncover the ins and outs of cold smoking these delicious delicacies. So grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let’s dive into the enchanting world of cold smoking fish and cheese!

Can I Cold Smoke Fish And Cheese?

Table of Contents

Can I Cold Smoke Fish And Cheese?

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to cold smoke fish and cheese? The answer is yes! Cold smoking is an ancient method of preserving food that imparts a unique flavor and extends the shelf life of perishable items like fish and cheese. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the ins and outs of cold smoking fish and cheese, the necessary safety precautions, and provide you with some delicious recipes and serving suggestions. So, let’s dive in and learn more about the world of cold smoking!

Is it Possible to Cold Smoke Fish?

Absolutely! Cold smoking fish is a popular technique that has been used for centuries to create delectable delicacies like smoked salmon and trout. Cold smoking involves exposing the fish to smoke at a temperature below 90°F (32°C) for an extended period. This low temperature allows the fish to absorb the smoky flavor without cooking it fully. It’s important to note that cold smoking does not actually cook the fish, so proper handling and storage are crucial to ensure food safety.

Is it Possible to Cold Smoke Cheese?

Yes, you can cold smoke cheese as well! Cold smoking cheese imparts a tantalizing smoky flavor to this already versatile ingredient. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind when cold smoking cheese. Cheese is sensitive to heat and can melt or lose its texture if exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, it’s essential to carefully control the temperature during the cold smoking process. With the proper techniques and precautions, you can transform ordinary cheese into a gourmet delight.

Safety Precautions for Cold Smoking Fish and Cheese

Before you embark on your cold smoking adventure, it’s vital to understand and follow the necessary safety precautions. Cold smoking partially cures the fish and cheese, but it doesn’t fully halt bacterial growth. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that you are working with fresh and high-quality ingredients to minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses.

When selecting fish, choose “sushi-grade” or “sashimi-grade” fish that has been flash-frozen, as it is safe for consumption raw or partially cooked. Properly handling the fish and storing it at the correct temperature is also critical to prevent contamination.

With cheese, it’s important to start with a high-quality, pasteurized cheese that is less prone to bacterial growth. Keep the cheese well-chilled before and after cold smoking to minimize the risk of bacterial growth.

Additionally, it’s important to clean and sanitize all equipment thoroughly before and after use to avoid cross-contamination. Be mindful of maintaining a clean and hygienic workspace throughout the process.

Now that we understand the safety precautions, let’s delve into the specifics of cold smoking fish and cheese.

Cold Smoking Fish

Understanding Cold Smoking

Cold smoking fish involves exposing the fish to smoke at low temperatures, typically below 90°F (32°C). This process imparts a smoky flavor to the fish while preserving its texture and moisture. Cold smoking does not fully cook the fish, so it’s crucial to start with fresh and high-quality fish that is safe to consume raw or partially cooked.

Choosing the Right Type of Fish

When it comes to cold smoking fish, not all varieties are created equal. Fatty fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, and herring are better suited for cold smoking due to their higher oil content. These oils help to retain moisture and prevent the fish from drying out during the smoking process. Leaner fish, such as cod or sole, are less suitable for cold smoking as they can become dry and lose their delicate texture.

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Preparing the Fish for Cold Smoking

Proper preparation is key to achieving the best results when cold smoking fish. Start by rinsing the fish thoroughly under cold water to remove any impurities. Next, pat it dry with paper towels, ensuring that it is completely dry before proceeding. You may choose to remove the fish’s skin or leave it on, depending on your preference. Some people prefer to remove the skin after smoking, as it can become rubbery during the process.

Next, consider whether you want to brine the fish before smoking. Brining, or soaking the fish in a salt and water solution, can help enhance the flavor and texture. A basic brine consists of water, salt, sugar, and any additional aromatics or spices you desire. Submerge the fish in the brine for several hours or overnight in the refrigerator, then rinse it thoroughly before patting it dry again.

Cold Smoking Techniques for Fish

There are various techniques for cold smoking fish, depending on your equipment and personal preference. The most traditional method involves suspending the fish on racks inside a smokehouse or a specially designed cold smoker. As the wood chips smolder, the smoke circulates around the fish, imparting the desired smoky flavor.

Another popular method is using a cold smoking attachment on a grill. This allows you to control the temperature and smoke levels more easily. You can also employ a stovetop smoker or a dedicated cold smoking device. Whichever method you choose, it’s crucial to maintain a consistent temperature and smoke level throughout the smoking process.

Recommended Cold Smoking Temperatures for Fish

During cold smoking, it’s important to maintain a temperature below 90°F (32°C) to prevent the fish from cooking. Ideally, the temperature should range between 70°F (21°C) and 90°F (32°C). Monitor the temperature closely to ensure that it stays within this range throughout the smoking process.

Cold Smoking Time for Fish

The duration of cold smoking will depend on various factors such as the size of the fish, the temperature, and personal preference. As a general guideline, smaller fish fillets may require anywhere from 4 to 6 hours, while larger whole fish can take up to 24 hours or more. It’s crucial to monitor the color and texture of the fish during the smoking process to achieve the desired results.

Finishing and Storing Cold Smoked Fish

After the desired smoking time has been reached, it’s important to finish the fish properly to ensure food safety. Some methods include briefly cooking the fish to an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) or freezing it to kill any potential parasites or bacteria. Once finished, allow the fish to cool completely before storing it in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed packaging. Refrigerate the cold smoked fish and consume it within a few days for optimal flavor and freshness.

Cold Smoking Cheese

Understanding Cold Smoking

Similar to cold smoking fish, cold smoking cheese involves exposing the cheese to smoke at low temperatures. This imparts a delightful smoky flavor to the cheese without melting it. However, due to the sensitivity of cheese to heat, cold smoking cheese requires careful temperature control to avoid compromising its texture.

Choosing the Right Type of Cheese

When it comes to cold smoking cheese, the type of cheese you choose plays a significant role in the final result. It’s best to select hard or semi-hard cheeses like cheddar, Gouda, or Swiss, as they have a lower moisture content and can withstand the cold smoking process without losing their texture. Soft or creamy cheeses, such as brie or camembert, can still be cold smoked but require extra precaution to prevent them from becoming too soft or runny.

Preparing the Cheese for Cold Smoking

Before cold smoking cheese, it’s essential to bring it to room temperature. This allows the cheese to absorb the smoky flavor more effectively. Remove the cheese from refrigeration and let it sit at room temperature for about an hour before the smoking process.

Cold Smoking Techniques for Cheese

There are several techniques you can use to cold smoke cheese, depending on the equipment you have available. The most common method involves using a dedicated cold smoker or a smoking tube. These devices allow you to generate smoke without generating heat. Place the cheese in a smoker tray or on a wire rack inside the cold smoker, ensuring there is enough space for the smoke to circulate around the cheese.

Another option is to use a stovetop smoker or a grill with a cold smoking attachment. These methods allow you to control the temperature more precisely, ensuring that it remains in the cold smoking range.

Recommended Cold Smoking Temperatures for Cheese

The ideal temperature for cold smoking cheese is below 90°F (32°C). Aim for a range between 70°F (21°C) and 85°F (29°C) to achieve the best results. It’s crucial to monitor the temperature closely throughout the smoking process to prevent the cheese from melting or becoming too soft.

Cold Smoking Time for Cheese

The length of time you cold smoke cheese will depend on personal preference and the intensity of smoky flavor you desire. As a general guideline, cold smoking cheese for 1 to 4 hours should provide a mild to moderate smoky flavor. If you prefer a more robust smoky taste, you can extend the smoking time up to 6 hours or longer. Again, personal preference and experimentation play a significant role in determining the ideal smoking time for your cheese.

Finishing and Storing Cold Smoked Cheese

Once you have achieved the desired smoky flavor, it’s essential to remove the cheese from the smoking device and allow it to cool completely before storing. Cold smoked cheese can be refrigerated for several weeks, but it’s crucial to store it properly to maintain its flavor and texture. Wrap the cheese tightly in wax paper or plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out, then place it in an airtight container or resealable bag. For the best flavor, allow the cheese to rest in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours before consuming.

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Combining Fish and Cheese in Cold Smoking

Compatibility of Fish and Cheese

While it may seem unconventional, combining fish and cheese in a cold smoking session can yield surprisingly delightful results. The smoky flavor of the fish complements the creamy richness of the cheese, creating a unique combination that is sure to please your taste buds. However, not all types of fish and cheese pair well together, so it’s important to consider their flavors and textures before attempting this combination.

Cold Smoking Techniques for Combining Fish and Cheese

To cold smoke fish and cheese together, you can use the same techniques as for smoking them individually. However, it’s important to consider the different smoking times required for each ingredient. Fish generally requires a longer smoking time than cheese, so it’s best to cold smoke the fish first and then add the cheese towards the end of the smoking process. This ensures that both the fish and cheese are smoked to perfection without compromising their flavors and textures.

Recommended Cold Smoking Temperatures and Time for Fish and Cheese

When cold smoking fish and cheese together, aim for a temperature range between 70°F (21°C) and 85°F (29°C). Monitor the temperature closely to prevent the cheese from melting or the fish from overcooking. As for smoking time, start by smoking the fish for the recommended duration based on its size and type. Towards the end of the fish smoking process, add the cheese and continue smoking until the desired smoky flavor is achieved.

Flavor Pairing Suggestions for Cold Smoked Fish and Cheese

When combining cold smoked fish and cheese, the possibilities for flavor pairings are endless. The smoky and savory flavors of the fish can be complemented by tangy or creamy cheeses. For example, pairing cold smoked salmon with dill cream cheese creates a classic and delicious combination. Cold smoked mackerel can be paired with herbed goat cheese for a unique and zesty flavor profile. Cold smoked trout goes wonderfully with honey mustard cream cheese, adding a touch of sweetness to the smoky fish. Be creative and experiment with different types of fish and cheese to discover your own perfect flavor combinations!

Finishing and Storing Cold Smoked Fish and Cheese

Once you have cold smoked the fish and cheese to perfection, it’s important to handle and store them correctly for optimal flavor and food safety. Allow the fish and cheese to cool completely before packaging them separately in airtight containers or vacuum-sealed bags. Refrigerate the cold smoked fish and cheese and consume them within a few days to ensure freshness. If you have smoked a large quantity, freezing is an option. Wrap the fish and cheese tightly in plastic wrap or foil, then place them in freezer-safe bags or containers. Frozen cold smoked fish and cheese can be kept for several months, allowing you to enjoy these delectable treats whenever you please.

Can I Cold Smoke Fish And Cheese?

Cold Smoking Equipment

Choosing the Right Cold Smoking Equipment

Investing in the appropriate cold smoking equipment is essential for achieving consistent and high-quality results. There are various options available, ranging from traditional smokehouses to portable cold smoking devices. Consider your specific needs, available space, and budget when selecting the right equipment for your cold smoking endeavors.

Types of Cold Smokers

Cold smokers come in different shapes and sizes, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Traditional smokehouses provide ample space for smoking large quantities of fish or cheese but may require a dedicated area and more extensive operation. Portable cold smokers, such as smoking tubes or stovetop smokers, are more compact and versatile, making them suitable for smaller batches or those with limited space.

Essential Cold Smoking Accessories

To enhance your cold smoking experience, there are several accessories that can be useful. A reliable thermometer is crucial for monitoring the temperature inside your smoking device. A probe thermometer allows you to insert it into the fish or cheese to measure the internal temperature accurately.

Additionally, wood chips or chunks are the key to creating that signature smoky flavor. Experimenting with different types of wood, such as hickory, apple, or mesquite, can yield unique flavor profiles. Soak the wood chips in water or other liquids like beer or wine before using them in your cold smoker to add even more depth to the flavor.

Setting Up and Using a Cold Smoker

Regardless of the type of cold smoker you choose, it’s important to read and understand the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper setup and usage. Follow the instructions for assembling the cold smoker, including any necessary attachments or modifications. Once assembled, familiarize yourself with the temperature and smoke controls to maintain a consistent smokey atmosphere throughout the smoking process. Remember to practice proper safety measures when operating the cold smoker, such as using heat-resistant gloves and maintaining a safe distance from open flames or heating elements.

Cold Smoking Vs. Hot Smoking

Understanding the Difference

Cold smoking and hot smoking are two different techniques used to impart smoky flavors to food. The main difference lies in the temperature at which the smoking process takes place. Cold smoking occurs at temperatures below 90°F (32°C), while hot smoking involves exposing the food to smoke at higher temperatures, typically between 150°F (66°C) and 225°F (107°C).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cold Smoking

Cold smoking offers several advantages. The low temperature allows for a longer smoking time, resulting in deeper smoky flavors in the food. Cold smoking also preserves the food without fully cooking it, which can be desirable when aiming for a specific texture or when preserving perishable items.

However, cold smoking has some disadvantages as well. It does not fully eliminate the risk of bacterial growth, so proper handling, storage, and food safety precautions are necessary. Additionally, cold smoking requires more time than hot smoking, making it less suitable for those seeking quicker results.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Hot Smoking

Hot smoking, on the other hand, offers its own set of advantages. The higher temperatures more rapidly cook the food, making it safe for immediate consumption. Hot smoking can also create a more tender texture in certain foods, such as pork or poultry. Additionally, hot smoking requires less time overall, making it a more feasible option for those with time constraints.

However, hot smoking may not achieve the same depth of smoky flavor as cold smoking, as the lower temperatures allow for longer smoke exposure. Additionally, hot smoking can result in drier food if not carefully monitored, as the higher temperatures can draw out moisture from the ingredients.

Choosing the Right Smoking Method

The choice between cold smoking and hot smoking depends on personal preference, desired texture, and the specific food being smoked. If you are looking to preserve the food while achieving a more intense smoky flavor, cold smoking may be the better option. On the other hand, if you prefer a quicker method with a more tender texture, hot smoking may be the way to go. Ultimately, experimentation and experience will help you determine which method best suits your tastes and cooking goals.

Can I Cold Smoke Fish And Cheese?

Flavor Enhancements for Cold Smoking

Infusing Flavors with Wood Chips

Wood chips are a vital component of the cold smoking process, as they provide the smoky aroma and flavor. However, you can take your cold smoking experience to the next level by infusing additional flavors into the wood chips. Soaking the wood chips in liquids like apple juice, whiskey, or wine before using them in the cold smoker can add a subtle yet delightful undertone to your smoked fish or cheese.

Experimenting with Different Wood Chip Flavors

The choice of wood chips can greatly influence the flavor profile of your cold smoked fish and cheese. Various types of wood chips, such as apple, cherry, hickory, or mesquite, offer distinct flavors that can enhance specific ingredients. For example, fruitwood chips like apple or cherry provide a mild and slightly sweet flavor that pairs exceptionally well with fish and lighter cheeses. Hickory and mesquite, on the other hand, offer a stronger, smokier taste that can be ideal for bolder fish varieties and robust or aged cheeses. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find your favorite wood chip flavors to create unique and personalized cold smoking experiences!

Using Marinades and Brines

Marinades and brines can elevate the flavor of your cold smoked fish and cheese. Before smoking, consider marinating the fish in a mixture of herbs, spices, oils, and acids like lemon juice or vinegar. This not only enhances the taste but can also help tenderize the fish or cheese. Brining is another option, which involves soaking the fish or cheese in a salt and water solution. This imparts flavor, helps retain moisture, and can act as a curing agent. Allow the fish or cheese to marinate or brine for a few hours or overnight in the refrigerator for the best results.

Recipes for Cold Smoked Fish and Cheese

Cold Smoked Salmon with Dill Cream Cheese


  • Fresh salmon fillets
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Dill
  • Cream cheese


  1. Prepare a brine by dissolving salt and sugar in water. Add dill to the brine for extra flavor if desired.
  2. Submerge the salmon fillets in the brine and refrigerate for 6 to 12 hours.
  3. Rinse the salmon thoroughly and pat dry. Let it air dry for about an hour to form a pellicle (a tacky surface that helps the smoke adhere to the fish).
  4. Cold smoke the salmon at a temperature below 90°F (32°C) for 4 to 6 hours, using your preferred cold smoking method.
  5. Allow the smoked salmon to cool completely, then slice it into thin strips.
  6. Spread cream cheese onto your favorite crackers or bagels, and top with the cold smoked salmon. Garnish with additional fresh dill if desired.

Cold Smoked Mackerel with Herbed Goat Cheese


  • Fresh mackerel fillets
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Fresh herbs (such as thyme, rosemary, or dill)
  • Goat cheese


  1. Rinse the mackerel fillets under cold water and pat dry.
  2. Season the fillets with salt, black pepper, and your choice of fresh herbs.
  3. Let the fillets sit in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours to allow the flavors to infuse.
  4. Prepare your cold smoker and cold smoke the mackerel at a temperature below 90°F (32°C) for 4 to 6 hours.
  5. Allow the smoked mackerel to cool completely before flaking it into smaller pieces.
  6. Mix the flaked mackerel with herbed goat cheese and spread it onto crackers or toast.

Cold Smoked Trout with Honey Mustard Cream Cheese


  • Fresh trout fillets
  • Salt
  • Honey mustard sauce
  • Cream cheese


  1. Rinse the trout fillets and pat them dry.
  2. Generously season the fillets with salt.
  3. Spread a layer of honey mustard sauce over the fillets.
  4. Let the fillets marinate in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 hours.
  5. Cold smoke the trout at a temperature below 90°F (32°C) for 4 to 6 hours.
  6. Once cold smoked, let the trout cool completely before removing the skin and flaking it into smaller pieces.
  7. Mix the flaked trout with cream cheese and use it as a spread for bagels or crackers.

Serving and Pairing Cold Smoked Fish and Cheese

Presentation Ideas for Cold Smoked Fish and Cheese

When it comes to serving cold smoked fish and cheese, presentation is key. Arrange the slices or flakes of fish and cheese on a platter or cutting board, allowing their colors and textures to shine. Garnish with fresh herbs or citrus wedges to add pops of color and freshness. Delicate and thinly sliced fish can be rolled or folded for an elegant touch. Serve alongside freshly baked bread, crackers, or homemade crostini to add crunch and variety to the presentation.

Complementary Ingredients and Accompaniments

Cold smoked fish and cheese can be enjoyed on their own, but pairing them with complementary ingredients and accompaniments can take the experience to a whole new level. Consider serving the smoked fish with capers, thinly sliced red onions, or pickles to add tanginess and brightness. Lemon wedges can provide a refreshing citrusy kick. Freshly cracked black pepper or a drizzle of honey can further enhance the flavors. Don’t forget to include an assortment of crackers or bread, and perhaps some sliced apples or grapes for a touch of natural sweetness.

Wine and Beverage Pairings for Cold Smoked Fish and Cheese

Choosing the right wine or beverage to accompany your cold smoked fish and cheese can elevate the overall experience. For cold smoked salmon or trout, consider a crisp and dry white wine like Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay. If you prefer red wine, a light-bodied Pinot Noir can also complement the smoky flavors. For bolder flavors like cold smoked mackerel or aged cheeses, opt for a robust red wine such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Syrah. For non-alcoholic options, sparkling water with a twist of lemon or infused herbal teas can provide a refreshing contrast to the smoky richness of the fish and cheese.


In conclusion, cold smoking fish and cheese is not only possible but also a wonderful way to enhance their flavors and extend their shelf life. Understanding the techniques, choosing the right ingredients, and following the necessary safety precautions are key to achieving delicious and safe results. Whether you choose to cold smoke fish, cheese, or both, the possibilities for flavor combinations and culinary creativity are endless. So, grab your cold smoking equipment, gather your favorite fish and cheese, and embark on a smoky adventure that will delight your taste buds and impress your friends and family. Happy cold smoking!


